Source code for embedeval.task


NLP Embedding Evaluation Tool

:copyright: (c) 2019 by Timo Furrer <>
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from embedeval.taskreport import TaskReport
from embedeval.taskregistry import registry as task_registry
from embedeval.embedding import WordEmbedding

[docs]class Task(ABC): """Base Class for the Task API Subclass this Task to automatically register an evaluation Task to the Task Registry. The Task Evaluation Algorithm must be implemented in the ``evaluate()`` method. """ #: Holds the name for this Task. #: This name is used for the discovery. NAME: str = "" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Register subclasses to the Task Registry This registration makes it possible to later discover and run the Tasks. """ super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) task_registry.register(cls)
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, embedding: WordEmbedding) -> TaskReport: """Evaluate this Task on the given Word Embedding The evaluation algorithm should always produce some kind of comparable statistics or measures which can be provided to the user to verify the quality of the given Word Embedding. This measure must be returned as a string from this method. It should contain everything needed by the user to verify the Embedding. """ ... # pragma: no cover